Thursday, November 27, 2008

First Post: Post Thanksgiving musings


I'm not wealthy, I'm slightly well educated.  I don't really have a job, being disabled.  However I try to keep some irons in the fire as best I can and contribute as best I can.  I guess the lessons of excess will help give a point of view from one who has touched the gutter yet not quite ready to wallow in it.  So if you want to hear how things are looking from someone who eats a meal at the local soup kitchen occasionally, reads the News and studies History with a less pedestrian perspective on the present(having served in the Marine Corps);  then perhaps some of what I might blather here will be of insight... if not sorry for the eyestrain hope your medical covers bifocals.

Turkey and all the fixings....
I shudder to think of what thoughts might run through the minds of dissatisfied third world youths when they see images on a TV in an electronics store in Downtown Abu Dhabi of Americans Bowling Turkeys for sport when they have scrounged for a piece of bread that day.  What better recruiting propaganda could the militants of this world ask for than that delivered to their doorstep by the Ad Men of America.  Our Media and culture have become numb and indifferent to the sensibilities of the peoples whose hearts and Minds our current Administration has been trying to win over.  On the Fox News website last evening they were touting a headline with a Photo of an innocent bystander being cut down by the Terrorists in Mumbai with a video of it happening.  Cut to the Video of this hapless bystander in the throes of death and you get to watch a commercial just before you witness his date with the Grim Reaper.  I had a wonderful Turkey Dinner with all the fixings right after that.  Thanks Fox News.

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