Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Liberty in the Years of Fear

We have seen it before and we will see it again, our freedoms strangled to the point of choking and then given back to us though never in quite the same form as they were before.  John Adams and the Alien and Sedition Acts, Lincoln and the Civil War caused him to suspend Habeas Corpus among other things,the 1918 Influenza Epidemic, The Labor Strikes of the early 20th Century, The Red Scare, FDR and the Japanese Internment Camps, The Blacklists of the 1950's and the Patriot Act are all fine examples of the freedoms we sacrifice in times of fear and hysteria which is often exploited for political gain.  Now a new leadership will assume the mantle of responsibility for this Nations direction and we must not be cowed like frightened sheep and herded into further constraint.  I feel there is light ahead but hard questions must always be asked by our media and our citizens whenever someone on Capitol Hill suggests we cross out a line in the Constitution in order to make Americans safer.  Just something to ponder as we see the sun rise on our best and brightest as they take up the mantle.

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1 comment:

  1. Well it will be nice to see the McCarthy Gang go.
