Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Our Soldiers and Marines Give Their LIves for their Country, Can't You Give a Toy for a Tot
I could gripe about the War on Terror and it's faulty tactics, I could Talk about the Shoe toss in Iraq but today I will take a moment and encourage everyone to take a Toy to the Marines and donate it to their Toys For Tots program. I grew up with my Father gone much of the time on duty but he always made sure we had a good Christmas, one way or another, some kids are not so lucky. So think how lucky you might have been in years past and give till it hurts wherever you can. Happiness is contagious. Happy Holidays and Semper Fi!
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Toys for Tots
Friday, December 12, 2008
Bush, Paulson, and Bernanke Fiddled while America Burned

Aside from the $300 -$600 each taxpayer received through the 2008 Stimulus Package, which the Bush administration encouraged we go out and spend to help drive the Economy; the Working Class got screwed except for the Window Factory Workers in Chicago who refused "to go quietly into the night" when they lost their jobs. These casualties of the ineptitude and negligence of this administration were not about to stand for the callousness of a Banking Institution that just got it's bread and wasn't about to share it. Nor were they going to be shut out in the cold to press their noses against the windows of the factory executives who had so rudely given them 3 days notice. Instead, These Chicagoans, took a pane, (clearly), of history and protested their plight to the nation by staging a sit-in as did the union workers of a bygone era. This was no $750bnn Dollar "Magic Money Grab All You Can Booth" they climbed into and came out rich, but the rest of Middle Class and Blue Collar Working Americans need to take note of this righteous indignation and the victory the battle brought. Why weren't the Truckers hauling their Semis onto the National Mall in a Parking Protest to get Congress's attention when gas was almost $4.00 a gallon? WAKE UP AMERICA! Change is coming and we can shape history, the workers of Republic Windows and Doors is a fine example of what is possible when you rally around a cause. Yes, even a mouse can roar! I have become a Rabble Rouser having seen the outgoing administration still pursuing "Trickle-Down Economics" policies when people are thirsting for direct relief. Did I mention Condi plays the Piano?
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Republic windows",
Trickle-Down Economics
Death of an Auto Bailout in the United States Senate

I am saddened by the failure of the United States Senate to pass the $14 Billion Auto Bailout measure this past evening. While certainly not perfect nor entirely to my liking for there are many points of constraint I would like to see the Auto Industry be forced to concede in order to make the industry more innovative, Like giving us a "Car of the Future" when they bother to show them off each year at the Annual Detroit Auto Show. but I digress; while competitiveness is the key to success, fiscal oversight and guidance is imperative. Should the Bush Administration now turn to $750 Billion TARP to perform a Bailout, there will be 5 weeks of Treasury Secretary Paulson throwing money in the air to the ballyhoo of Jet-setting Auto Executives. This is what we face when we could have had a Car Tsar with some Bankruptcy Judge-like powers to help guide the market restructuring and fiscal direction of these Corporate Behemoths Jockeyed by casualties of the Peter Principle. We can always hope for the next Tucker of the Auto Industry, until then let's pray for our Blue Collars and their Families who rely on Detroit and for the Senate to not squander their dedication and talents. Click Here to Read More.. Sphere: Related Content
Sunday, December 7, 2008
General Shinseki: The Messenger They Shot Lives Again!

Barack Obama,
Veterans Affairs
Friday, December 5, 2008
We Want Information, Information, Information

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Liberty in the Years of Fear

We have seen it before and we will see it again, our freedoms strangled to the point of choking and then given back to us though never in quite the same form as they were before. John Adams and the Alien and Sedition Acts, Lincoln and the Civil War caused him to suspend Habeas Corpus among other things,the 1918 Influenza Epidemic, The Labor Strikes of the early 20th Century, The Red Scare, FDR and the Japanese Internment Camps, The Blacklists of the 1950's and the Patriot Act are all fine examples of the freedoms we sacrifice in times of fear and hysteria which is often exploited for political gain. Now a new leadership will assume the mantle of responsibility for this Nations direction and we must not be cowed like frightened sheep and herded into further constraint. I feel there is light ahead but hard questions must always be asked by our media and our citizens whenever someone on Capitol Hill suggests we cross out a line in the Constitution in order to make Americans safer. Just something to ponder as we see the sun rise on our best and brightest as they take up the mantle. Click Here to Read More.. Sphere: Related Content
Biological Warfare,
Habeas Corpus,
Patriot Act,
When an Uninvited Guest Comes to Visit and Doesn't Die

Saturday, November 29, 2008
The General Who Would Be King
For those outraged by the idea that President Elect Barrak Obama might retain Secretary Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense and appoint Gen. Jim Jones USMC Ret. to be his National Security Advisor to the President, I can say I feel far more at ease with the latter choice than I do the former. General Jim Jones has serverd in combat earning the Silver Star and the Bronze Star with Combat V, earning the respect of his fellow Marines in the process. As the Former Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, he has been in direct contact with many of the foreign services whose intel assistance we will be in dire need of to coordinate our limited military and intel assets on the new stage of Terrorist and Machiavellian Medici-like warfare this new century presents us. The latest cyber-attack on the Pentagon, the Alexander Litvinenko radiation poisoning in London last year and the Mumbai attacks of late are a paltry few examples of the challenges the United States faces. We should rest much easier when we know there will be a professional who knows the players we need to interact with on a daily basis but also understands the consequences and responsibilities this nation assumes when choosing to unleash the dogs of war.
Sec. Robert Gates on the other hand is a retention choice I am loathe to concur with for a number of reasons including his drilling business contacts, his former CIA role, his Air Force Background and his involvement in a corporate Board selling voting machine cryptography. There's also his involvement in Iran-Contra... all of these issues you can Wikipedia and or dig deeper, suffice it to say he makes me nervous just on the face of all these involvements. The Air Force has not impressed me much with its brand of procurement process the latest example being the Air Tanker Bidding Snafu. With our economy in recession we will desperately need fiscal restraint and agile procurement methods to make the most of our defense spending. Other than the fact you don't change horses in the midst of a race, and I can see the value of continuity at the pentagon until the President gets his house in order, I can only discern Our President-elect is extending an olive branch to the conservatives and giving Robert Gates a Chance to prove that he holds the post by merit and not by Political caveat. I'm just a grunt but I know it's an ugly room to walk into when you are the new guy trying to find your turf and there are some ugly rooms in the Pentagon.
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
First Post: Post Thanksgiving musings
I'm not wealthy, I'm slightly well educated. I don't really have a job, being disabled. However I try to keep some irons in the fire as best I can and contribute as best I can. I guess the lessons of excess will help give a point of view from one who has touched the gutter yet not quite ready to wallow in it. So if you want to hear how things are looking from someone who eats a meal at the local soup kitchen occasionally, reads the News and studies History with a less pedestrian perspective on the present(having served in the Marine Corps); then perhaps some of what I might blather here will be of insight... if not sorry for the eyestrain hope your medical covers bifocals.
Turkey and all the fixings....
I shudder to think of what thoughts might run through the minds of dissatisfied third world youths when they see images on a TV in an electronics store in Downtown Abu Dhabi of Americans Bowling Turkeys for sport when they have scrounged for a piece of bread that day. What better recruiting propaganda could the militants of this world ask for than that delivered to their doorstep by the Ad Men of America. Our Media and culture have become numb and indifferent to the sensibilities of the peoples whose hearts and Minds our current Administration has been trying to win over. On the Fox News website last evening they were touting a headline with a Photo of an innocent bystander being cut down by the Terrorists in Mumbai with a video of it happening. Cut to the Video of this hapless bystander in the throes of death and you get to watch a commercial just before you witness his date with the Grim Reaper. I had a wonderful Turkey Dinner with all the fixings right after that. Thanks Fox News.
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